Tuesday, January 8, 2013

The Plane Ride

After a long day of traveling already, I boarded my eight hour flight to Italy. The first thing the flight attendant did was offer me wine in Italian. This got my nerves going - what did I get myself into exactly? I fell asleep after watching a few episodes of New Girl and awoke to the worst turbulence I have ever experienced. I felt as though we were going to crash for sure. A nice older man sitting next to me told me not to worry and that this happens sometimes when you fly over the ocean and encounter bad weather. He had been traveling back and forth from the US to Italy for the past fifteen years. This made me feel a little better. I looked back at my friends who were either sleeping through the bumps or just as terrified as me. I thought-  this definitely couldn't be a good sign - this is not the right way to start my semester abroad. When we landed in Italy, however, my excitement returned and my journey abroad began. 

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