Saturday, March 23, 2013


Our day trip to Pompeii!

 Fancy train seats


 Places to tie ships at the harbor - evidence that the ocean used to be here instead of its current location

Ancient "McDonalds" - Fast Food Restaurant

 A woman frozen in time

Typical street in Pompeii

A servant frozen in time

 One-Way street sign

Roman Bath

 The "Peristyle" (Backyard) of a Roman house

Evidence of slave labor

 A very well preserved house for the wealthy. This shows the "Atrium" or Entranceway to the home. Fresh water dripped through the hole in the ceiling into a small fountain. Amazing.

Typical kitchen

 The "Triclinium" or Dining Room. Only men were allowed in here - very elaborate. Men dined on couches while reclining.

My family in the main forum!

 They had stairs!

 Apparently this puppy likes to go to the theater

The famous Mt. Vesuvius 

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