Saturday, February 2, 2013

Wine Tasting

Today we went wine tasting through SAI. We visited a vineyard owned by an award winning wine producer named Sergio Mottura. He was an older man and was so sweet even though he didn't speak English very well. He first showed us wine fermenting in large metal basins and we tried four different kinds. He had us say what we thought the wine tasted and smelled like (flowers, fruit, spice, etc) and the winner got a free bottle of wine. Then we headed over to see the actual vineyards which were cool to see even though it is still too cold to start growing the grapes. We then had lunch while tasting 12 of his favorite wines. Lastly, he showed us the cellar where he stores over 30,000 bottles of wine at a time. There was a lot of mold and cobwebs in the cellar especially around the wines that were decades old. Overall, it was a great experience although I wish it hadn't been raining! 

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